I've received some joyous news recently from the two groups that I played with in Arizona. One band, The Bears & the Bees, was just invited to perform at the 2011 International Feminist Theory and Music Conference at Arizona State, and sadly we had to turn it down, since our 4 members are living in the four corners of our country right now! The other group, Dry River Yacht Club, was just invited to play at the Underground Music Showcase in Denver this summer, very excite! You can check out the event at: http://www.theums.comweeblylink_new_window
They should be getting our picture in the Artists page on their website very soon....we just got accepted yesterday, so I'll give them a couple days before I start harassing somebody ;) Hopefully I will be able to make it to this one...it's in Denver, CO in July. If I do go, I'll have a busy July this summer! I just signed up to attend a Suzuki institute in North Carolina for the first week of July. It's really expensive but it'll be worth it--I love teaching within the Suzuki approach but I feel like I am missing certain key aspects. I hope they'll address the deficiencies that I'm dealing with, mostly with parent interaction---come on, Suzuki Institute, I'm counting on you! Plus, walking away with a teaching certificate in Suzuki Book 1 will be a nice little bonus. I'm also going to be teaching at the Summer Music Camp at both schools this summer. Lutz is holding it's one-week camp in the second week of June, and Thompson's Music will be holding several throughout the summer. You can find out more details by clicking on the links to their sites on my Teaching page. Next musical adventure: Driving up to Athens (Johjuh!) to see the one and only Jon Rauhouse play with the captivating Neko Case for my 25th! Birthday, that is.
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